25 Days of Christmas - Day 13: Christmas Programs

Day 13: Christmas Programs

Tonight, we went to see our oldest sing in her first-ever school program.  This momma was loving every minute... from Olivia's curtsey at the applause they received upon being introduced...to her frustration at the little boy near her who clearly didn't know (or care) when to ring his bell. They were color coded, and the teacher would hold up the color of their bell when they were supposed to ring it. He just rang all willy nilly like some sort of animal. She was not amused, but we sure were. Gigi was loving it too...between the selfie stick and video taping the entire performance...she was in rare form. I may need to remind her that I brought that selfie stick into this her world, and I can take it out.  Grandparents, aunts, an uncle, and even a cousin came to watch at one of her two performances.  It was quite the family affair.

There is just something about the sweet sound of little off-key voices screaming singing the words to "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," shh-ing each other between songs, proudly waving with toothless little smiles, and doing their very best to stand still... does it get any sweeter than that?  Olivia came home so excited that they got to stand on risers.  Do you remember risers?  They were exciting!  Yesterday, she got in the car and said, "My program is tomorrow.  Like tomorrow- tomorrow, Mom!  I'm so nervous!"  These little souls make this season so exciting and joyful with their anticipation of each festive event, you can't help but allow it to rub off on you.  

So, our advice for Day 13- if you get invited to go see a child's Christmas program, either at school or at church, GO!  There is something about those sweet little innocent souls uninhibitedly singing songs about Christmas that just warms your heart and gets you right into the spirit of the season.



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